balance ● Workshops, Performances & Panels ●


Creating an antagonism to the popular “Männertag”, we will come together to explore different feminist perspectives on the body - by listening, by feeling, by watching, by moving, by discussing. We combined various forms of knowledge-based and empowering practices to offer you a full day of pleasure, politics and performance.

We invited the multi-talented 🌿 Juliana Huxtable, who will present her work POST, dealing with the intersections of race, gender, technology and identity. 🌿 Chiara Baldini will introduce us to her impressive research on pre-patriarchal Dyonisian practices as inspiration for todays empowerment in gender, ecstasy and the revolution. Desculonización, the performance of 🌿 KEBRA, is aiming to create a performative yet political frame for the resignification of normative slogans such as: woman, territory, spectacle and pornography while questioning the racialization of non-white bodies. 🌿 Lexi Venus will guide our bodies in a sphere of sensoric, passionate empowerment, because Pleasure is Power! The collective 🌿 YOR will support you with healing treatments: listen to yor heart, yor gut, yor body, yor choice. In their new live show sound artist 🌿 rkss' new work is an exploration of their transition and navigating public space and institutions, using text from Octavia E. Butler's Imago, as well as hardstyle screeches and euphoric melodies to express this experience.

We will finish the day by bringing the interdisciplinary perspectives together and raising the question of the empowering potential of the body in our panel: 🌿🌿Marginalized bodies dancing is power: The empowering potential of the body. 🌿🌿

● ● ● ● T I M E T A B L E

ongoing YOR -Performance
14:00 Chiara Baldini: Gender, ecstasy and revolution -Lecture
15:00 Juliana Huxtable: POST -Lecture and Q&A
16:00 Lexi Venus: Pleasure is Power -Workshop
18:00 KEBRA: Desculonización -Performance

19:30 Marginalized bodies dancing is power: The empowering potential of the body.
-Panel w/ Chiara Baldini, Ari Garcia, Robin
Buckley/rkss, KEBRA,
host: Sarah Ulrich

21:00 rkss: -Performance

● ● Our daytime program is free for everyone.

festival tickets and infos:
Balance Club / Culture Festival 2019

funding / partners / support
Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen / Initiative Musik / Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung / Stadt Leipzig Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung / SHAPE platform CYNETART / Telekom Electronic Beats / Sportetage Süd / Aslan, Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Sachsen: Diese Steuermittel werden auf Grundlage des von den Abgeordneten des Sächsischen Landtags beschlossenen Haushaltes zur Verfügung gestellt.

i-D / Spex - Magazin für Popkultur / Missy Magazine / taz / Jungle World / ASK HELMUT / kreuzer - Das Leipzig Magazin / frohfroh /

visual design by Anja Kaiser

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